To whom may concern,
To guarantee the improvement of our products and services, Condepols has certified its management systems based on the UNE-EN 9001:2015 Standard and the UNE-EN-ISO 22000:2018 Standard.
The capacity of our Suppliers is vital to meet the requirements of our customers. For this reason, we evaluate and select suppliers based on their ability to fulfil their commitments to CONDEPOLS.
Any query, incident or circumstance related to the supply must be communicated to CONDEPOLS, preferably by email or by telephone, to the person who made the supply request.
To qualify you as Approved Supplier, you are evaluated during the year based on the following criteria:
• Number of non-conformities
• On-time delivery performance
• Prices
• Efficiency in the management of incidents/NC, complaints…
• Evaluation of the supplier questionnaire
All incidents will be treated as Non-Conformities and will be communicated to you for correction.
Based on this, you are informed that during this year you will be maintained as an approved supplier.
The establishment of commercial relations implies on your part that you assume all the requirements specified in our orders or established conditions.
The lack of performance of any of these criteria will suppose a rating that could ultimately lead to your disqualification as a Supplier.
• The supplier undertakes to guarantee compliance with what is requested in the purchase order or work order.
• At all times the provider must comply with the legislation applicable to the provided service.
• The supplier must apply preventive measures and train and inform its personnel about the work to be carried out in our facilities.
• The supplier must comply with the internal procedures that have been communicated to him.
CONDEPOLS reserves the right to carry out verification or validation activities of the supplied product at the supplier’s facilities, communicating it in advance.